As I was flipping through my notebook last week, I came across notes from a lecture by ceramic artist Doug Casebeer at the Foothills Art Center in Golden, Colorado on January 25, 2014.
There is so much wisdom here that I’ve decided to share them in their raw form. Enough time has passed since I first heard these words that I hope I am honoring Doug’s intent.
What The Artist Said
It’s difficult to wear the title artist. I prefer the title builder.
I seek to build community and friendships. This is the spirit of what the artist’s life is about.
When you have 150 artists going to the studio every day, stuff is going to happen.
The kiln is a social magnet.
When Takashi Nakazato was asked why he works every day, he responded: “I haven’t made the thing I want to see.”
Artists are always traveling in their minds, even when they just stay in the studio doing “nothing.”
Life doesn’t happen. You have to engage.
[similar to above] When you put people together in a room, things just happen.
It’s important to talk to children. The goal is to bond over a studio visit and learn civic respect for each other.
Things have come my way when I was ready to receive.
How does where you live inform your art?
Does any of this ring true for you? Is there something here that you’d like to hear more about?
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